Jenny Haverty
Licensed Clinical Microbiologist
Scientific Advisory Panel
Graduated 1976, San Francisco State University, Medical Microbiology
Licensed Clinical Microbiologist, State of California, 1977, retired 2005.
Jenny Haverty’s daughter developed symptoms of an unusual skin disorder with fibers in 2004. In March of that year, a local SF Bay Area news channel aired a news story following the case studies of a small cluster of people who had symptoms of fibers in skin lesions. She met Cindy Casey, RN, who had the disorder, and two other sufferers. Together they began a small study attempting to analyze these unusual fibers. Unable to determine their composition, these samples along with a detailed report were submitted to Randy Wymore at Oklahoma State University for further analysis. Her daughter’s disorder continues as we hope for a breakthrough in understanding this disease. Jenny Haverty serves as a volunteer on The CEHF Scientific Advisory Panel.